Monday, November 28, 2011

Start of Week 4

The Thanksgiving Holiday proved to be difficult in the eating department. I had no problem with alcohol, though. I ended up having two drinks on Thanksgiving day, but my wife and I decided before I had them that it wouldn't be in violation of my rules.

I broke my food goal on Thursday and Friday because we were visiting family. I had no idea how many calories were in what, and I wasn't going to guess to fill in my food log. That just meant that I had to keep it under control on Saturday and Sunday. No big deal. That went fine.

We stayed with my brother on Thursday night. Friday morning when we woke up, my wife and I went for a run, and then I came home and did my Legs & Back workout. I made sure I got up with enough time to get the workout done before we had any plans scheduled. Although I love my family and want to spend time with them, I know that if I don't put my health first, I'll never lose the weight.

When we got home late on Saturday night, I looked at my weight and had serious concerns about whether or not I'd lose even one pound. I decided that when I do Kenpo X, I don't feel like I'm working out very hard, so instead of doing that for 50 minutes, I did my own workout. I took my bike out for a 30 minute ride and then did a beach run for 20 minutes. Of course, my ankle was bothering me beforehand, maybe from when I rolled it last week, but I wanted to do some running.

On Saturday afternoon, I got sick. My throat started to hurt real bad and later came the runny nose. Sitting in church, I wanted to just fall asleep. Come bed time, I felt like hell. I haven't been sick in a while, so I was being a little bit of a baby about it.

Sunday I skipped my stretch workout. According to the p90x schedule, it's supposed to be a rest or stretch day. I chose rest.

This morning when I woke up, I had lost weight! I had gotten myself down to 245.5lbs. That's a 2 pound loss from last week, and I'm proud of that for having been Thanksgiving week.

This week is a rest week for p90x. I have yoga, core, and kenpo. I also have lots of running. It seems like the weather is supposed to be nice today, but I don't know how long that's going to hold out temperature-wise. They're calling for 64 degrees. I'm also still feeling sick so I may end up pushing back a run. I haven't decided yet.

The biggest part of this week will be Friday. We're supposed to be getting Yahtzee on Friday, assuming everything goes the way it's supposed to. I don't have all of the details of the pickup yet, but I'm hoping to hear today or tomorrow from the transporter. I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures once we get her.

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