Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 9

Woke up this morning for my Plyometrics workout. I can say with confidence that the plyometric workout is by far the hardest of the p90x workouts. The Yoga X comes in second because it's extremely difficult for about 20-30 minutes then gets easier. It's also got less pounding than Plyo, so I enjoy it more.

I finished the workout with no muscle pulls or strains. I periodically checked my heart rate during rest periods. I got it to stay between 140 and 170 for most of the workout. Awesome.

Despite recommendations to not eat within an hour of starting the Plyo workout, I had some cereal. I was starving.

After the workout I showered and did some work in the office. I hate a yogurt as a morning snack and then went down for lunch. I made a pizza quesadilla because my wife was making herself a pizza for lunch. JEALOUS. But mine was delicious, so I wasn't so jealous after I ate. I topped it with raw onion, jalapeno, and some broccoli. In hindsight, I wish I had put some form of protein, but I don't know what I would have used. I had a quarter cup of sauce and a half cup of cheese. Fitday says my meal was about 500 calories. I was sitting at about 900 after lunch. Since lunch was early, it was no big deal. I knew I'd eat after my run.

I went back to the office for a little while and then did my run for the day. 3 miles. 27:15. Apparently waiting for later in the day to run makes it much better. It didn't hurt that it was 64 degrees either.

After working for a while longer, I made some dinner. We had Albondigas. That's Spanish for meatballs. Except I don't make it with meatballs. But it's still awesome. And super easy to cook.

Cook up a pound of ground meat, I used turkey. Put in about three cups of beef broth, we use bouillon. Now's the hard part. Dump a jar of salsa, about 3 cups of diced potato, and a bag of frozen mixed veggies into the pot. Let it boil for a while to cook the potatoes, and you're all set. Dinner time.

In case you were wondering, if you split the whole thing up into 4 servings, you've got 418 calories, 55 carbs, 12 grams of fiber, 36 grams of protein, and 13 grams of fat per bowl of soup. There's tons of sodium (1776mg), but it's easy and delicious. Also, if I made a pot for breakfast, I could eat the entire thing throughout the day and have a pretty well balanced day of food. I'd have to find more to eat, though, because the 1700 calories wouldn't quite do it for the day.

Tonight the plan is Biggest Loser on TV and then bed time. I've got Shoulders & Arms in the morning, plus Ab Ripper X. I'm hoping my Ab strain can take it.

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