Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 10

I've decided that I want to be getting up by 7:00 on weekdays just to get myself into a routine now that I'm not accountable to be anywhere anymore. So far it's been working out. My wife wanted to join me this morning for my workout, but she's a little under the weather, so I did some work on the computer before jumping into Shoulders & Arms today.

I decided to eat before we worked out this morning. I made a breakfast burrito. Guacamole, black beans, eggs, tomato, lettuce, and a little cheddar cheese. Definitely filling.

Unfortunately, after a workout like the ones I've been doing, I pretty much always feel hungry. I'm going to have to remember this for the future so I can eat AFTER my workout instead of feeling hungry for the rest of the day like I was today. I tried all my tricks, gum, tons of water, distraction... nothing worked today.

I did manage to do most of the ab exercises in Ab Ripper X despite the ab strain. I only felt it a little bit and only on the lower ab exercises. I did what I could.

Most of my day was spent in the office developing my business. I took a break for lunch around noon to grab a salad. Taco salad, to be specific. We had, and still have, some leftover taco meat. I tossed that into a salad with some black beans, carrots, red onion, and a pinch of cheddar cheese. Pretty decent. I'd eat it again.

For dinner we tried to eat more leftovers. The sweet potatoes my wife made weren't going to last much longer and we still have shredded chicken. So we steamed some broccoli and put some BBQ sauce on the chicken, and called it dinner. Pretty decent for leftovers.

For the evening, we watched a movie and then went to bed. Pretty relaxing. I ended the day with about 2300 calories.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say dinner was pretty good for left overs. I think we have to eat leftovers again today- albondigas!
