Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 1 Part 2

After a slow start this morning, I finally got my act in gear. Having not looked at the clock since I woke up at 8:08 this morning I completely lost track of time until about 11:00am.

Once I was done posting this morning, I went downstairs and tossed in the first p90x workout. Chest and Back. It wasn't too bad. My weakest exercise is by far any variation in pull-up, but I was much better with the push-ups this time than I was a year ago when I tried to do this p90x stuff before. I was even able to do a couple of perfect form dive bombers. They're ridiculous. If you're not sure what they are, look them up.

After Chest and Back, you have to do the Ab Ripper X workout. It's about 15 minutes of pure torture. I can't say I did a very good job with it, but I tried. I drank about a liter of water throughout the workouts.

Once I was done, I looked at the clock and realized that I was hungry. It was 11:00am and I hadn't eaten anything yet today. Mistake. I need to get breakfast in earlier. I decided to make a relatively healthy breakfast burrito using some leftovers from dinner a few nights ago.

It was a 10 inch tortilla filled with about a cup of spinach, guacamole, two eggs, a pinch of cheddar cheese, and an italian sausage, chicken, black bean, and tomato mixture. I had about a half cup of the mixture. It all came up to about 750 calories once I estimated everything. This was a protein packed meal, though, which is great for my recovery from the workout, and it had some great healthy fat from the guacamole.

After lunch I grabbed a shower and waited for my wife's friend to come. They were celebrating passing their board exams by going to a local winery. I tagged along. We did a tasting where you get to taste 6 wines and keep the glass. Each pour was half an ounce. The lady threw on an extra wine for us just for fun, so I had 3.5 ounces. This falls into my "going out with friends" category, so I don't fail myself for the week on drinking. It also only amounted to about 90 calories. I'm fine for the day.

When we got home, I went for a run by myself to let the girls enjoy a bottle of wine on the beach. I didn't want to push my own rules too far. We're home, but on the beach, but we have a friend over... can I drink? I don't know. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I completed my three miles in 28:54. I wasn't pushing very hard. My feet were bothering me too. I think that my new running shoes are not the right fit. I've tried to change the laces up, tighter, looser, etc., but nothing's working. I'm getting "hot foot" no matter what. At least my feet didn't go numb today. If anyone has any ideas other than changing the shoes, let me know!

When I got home, it was snack time. I had a yogurt and an apple. 210 calories.

I grabbed a shower and after my wife's friend left, we went for a little walk to the grocery store to pick up some produce and salad dressing. When we got home, I went out back to pull the trash to the curb. We don't have trash cans yet because we just had to restart the garbage collection. They were supposed to be here last week, but they weren't. Hopefully tomorrow. Because this is what happened...

The blue can is a recycling can and the other one in the corner is not usable by our trash collectors. The trash will rest there for the time being, though, because I'm not leaving it out again!

I came in and grabbed a bowl of cereal while the wife got dinner together. Cereal was 300-350 calories. I forgot to measure my milk.

For dinner we had sweet potato gnocchi with chicken and spinach. YUM! My wife did a great job with this meal! Only 340 calories!

Now it's time to relax a little bit. I'm gonna put the Eagles game on and enjoy. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to drink my beer tonight or not. I probably will, though, because I'm currently sitting at just over 1700 calories and I need to beef that number up a little bit before bed.

1 comment:

  1. good start! I'm so glad you liked the gnocci! It took forever to make!
