Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 5

This morning sucked. I looked at my training schedule to see what was up for today and realized that I had a 4 mile, not a 3 mile, run to do. I also have legs & back for p90x and Ab Ripper X. Doing a leg workout and the longest run of the week on the same day sounds not so fun. It feels much worse. And then add the torture of Ab Ripper X. OH YEAH! Don't forget the 25-35mph winds in 45 degree temperatures.

Needless to say, I hurt.

The run was pretty miserable. I took my sweet time doing 4 miles in 42:15. It started out cold. I was wishing that I had worn gloves. I did have a wind breaker on, though, which was a good idea. After about a mile, I started to warm up. I realized at about mile 2.5 that most of the way so far, the wind was at my side or behind me. Then I realized where the wind was coming from. Home. Sonofabee.

Once I made that turn towards home, I felt like I got smacked right in the face with cold glass. My eyes started gushing water and my face froze. Not to mention I leaned into the wind and still felt like I was going about half a mile an hour. But whatever, I made it home.

When I got home I grabbed some cereal with almond milk (my wife drinks almond milk and my 1% was sour) and rested for a little bit before attempting my p90x workout. The workout was fine. Better than I expected. It definitely hurt, but which one doesn't? My legs felt thoroughly toast for the rest of the day.

For lunch I had a stir fry. It was awesome.

 I did some odds and ends around the house for most of the rest of the day. We walked around town running errands later in the afternoon and then came home to have dinner. My wife used our leftover london broil and made some amazing sweet potatoes. She put some broccoli on the plate to balance it out a little. It was a great dinner. I forgot to take a picture though because I was so hungry!

We worked on a puzzle later in the night and I had two beers. That means I've got two left for Saturday. I also stayed within my calorie limit for the day. Yay!

I couldn't decide between pictures, so you got two. I used my Weyerbacher tulip glasses to have a Weyerbacher Merry Monks. We went to the Weyerbacher Brewery a few weeks ago, right before we moved. It was a pretty cool place.

In honor of Veterans Day, My wife and I sat down to watch Saving Private Ryan. I love that movie, although I think that if you really stop to appreciate the struggles that those men went through during WW2, it can be a lot to take.

Thanks to all those who have served and are serving.

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