Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 2

Woke up this morning and had breakfast before I did anything else... besides brush my teeth and get dressed of course. I missed breakfast yesterday morning, so I corrected that mistake today.

Did my first plyometrics workout for p90x. It hurt like hell. In the beginning, I thought to myself, "I think I like these cardio ones more than the weight lifting ones." By the end, I took it back. Of course, I think tomorrow when I'm doing shoulders & arms, I'll say the same thing... cardio was better!

The best part of the plyometrics workout was getting the muscle soreness out of my chest, back, legs, shoulders, and butt. For a "Chest & Back" workout, it sure hit a lot of body parts! My whole body was so sore last night that I had trouble getting to sleep. It was ok, though... I got to watch the Eagles game. They lost, so maybe it wasn't so worth it to stay up.

After my plyometrics, I cooled off a little and decided to get my own cardio in. I thought that it would be nice to be done working out before noon so I could concentrate on other things. I opted for a 12 mile bike ride instead of the 3 mile run today. I wasn't sure my body could take that much more pounding!

I did 12.45 miles in 45:09 with a max speed of 23mph and averaging 16.5mph. There was a little bit of a head wend coming home, and to be perfectly honest, I was spent.

I grabbed a yogurt when I got in the door and then hopped in the shower. When I got out, I got dressed and laid down on the bed. I really felt like I could fall asleep. I did a lot of cardio today.

For lunch we had some left over chili from the other night. I had some rice on the bottom and a little cheese on top. Yums. Chicken, tomato, and beans, basically, but delicious none the less.

After lunch my wife and I went over to the beach for some business planning. We talked about how I want my business to run, and a little more specific stuff, but I'm keeping as much of that a secret as I can for now. We also talked about some of her business ideas for Peace of Grace Designs, a jewelry business that she runs all by herself! You can check out her blog here.

When we got home I grabbed a half sandwich to put my calories up to just over 1100. After my snack I hopped on the computer to do a little work until dinner time.

Recently we purchased a few whole chickens to cook because they were super cheap, 99 cents a pound. My wife puts them in the slow cooker for a while, then shreds all the meat off and we use it periodically throughout the week or weeks that we have the meat. We freeze most if it and defrost it when we need it. Since we've moved, we have cooked two whole chickens and already had some leftover meat from the last chicken we had. SO, needless to say, we're trying to come up with new and exciting ways to eat the bird.

Tonight, we went with an Asian stir fry. We got a bag of mixed Asian style veggies... snow peas, broccoli, carrots, and tossed them in a pan with a little stir fry sauce then topped it with some chicken and poured it all over some rice. The whole meal came to just about 650 calories. It was one of those meals that I looked at and thought, "I get to eat all of this!?!?" The veggies really filled me up. I asked if we could walk back to the store tomorrow to grab a few more bags of that veggie stuff... it was only a buck a bag!

For the rest of the night I had an orange, a banana, some sunflower seeds, and even a Pepsi Throwback. Yum. I topped the day at just about 2300 calories.

I can't tell you how excited I am to only have one p90x workout tomorrow and no extra cardio. I'm feeling the p90x big time. My everything hurts. My wife has even noticed that I'm struggling just to get up and sit down off the sofa. I have to admit that I like the feeling of muscle soreness, but I like it a lot more when it doesn't take over my entire body.

1 comment:

  1. yummy! I would just like to point out that the second chicken was only 89 cents a pound!! Get pumped- biceps and shoulders today!!
