Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 8

Got myself up at 7 this morning because I knew I had a busy day and I wanted to get my workouts in. I started the day off with two slices of whole wheat toast with peanut butter. 400 calories.

While doing my Chest & Back workout, I strained my left lower abs. I felt some pretty intense pain down near my waist band while doing my second or third set of push-ups. At first I thought, "Do I want to push through the pain and just finish this workout so I don't screw up my goal for the week?" Absolutely not. That's stupid. These goals are not more important than my physical well being. They're supposed to make me healthier.

Did I stop? NOPE! I compensated. The exercises that hurt were the push-ups because they put strain on my abs, so I changed them. I did the same "grip," but on my back with dumbbells. I felt the burn, so I guess it worked. I wish I could have finished, though. I had to skip a few exercises, but that's alright. Because of the pain and where it was, I didn't even attempt Ab Ripper X today. Instead, I went for my run and then did 339 jumps on my new jump rope! Why 339? That's how many ab exercises you do in Ab Ripper X. We finished our run in 30:08. Again almost a perfect 10 minute mile pace.

Once I showered up, we went to the grocery store since we're out of the essentials. Any meat other than chicken, veggies, fruits, milk, canned goods, and garlic powder.

We ended up coming home with A LOT of stuff. We spent more than we had anticipated, but at least now I'm sure that we're set on food for the rest of the month aside from fresh produce and maybe some meat. While at the grocery store, we met an old man friend. He just wanted to talk to us and put down my wife, mostly. Very strange. He also didn't know what kind of coffee to get because he drank it in the house, and at breakfast. Should he get house blend or breakfast blend? I just told him to pick what felt right. After the back handed jabs at my wife, I didn't have a whole lot of sympathy for him and his coffee quandary.

By the time we got home it was almost 2:00. I was STARVING. Up to that point I had still only had breakfast. I quickly cooked up some eggs with some beans and tomato. That put me just under 800 calories. Need more food. I decided on some cereal and a yogurt.

After lunch it was beach time. We went over with our chairs to sit for a little while. I wanted to get some ideas jotted down for my business, so I took a notebook and sat with my wife to talk. She's really helpful with ideas. It got cold and we'd pretty much thought of what we were going to think of, so I walked home. She stayed to read a book.

She came home to get cleaned up for an errand she had to run, but when I finally looked up from my computer, I noticed this...

I love living in Cape May.

My wife went on her errand, and when she let me know she was coming home, I started on dinner. Taco's. Healthy style.

See, one of my "diet" (if you can call it that) philosophies is that in order to change your lifestyle, you need to eat foods that you enjoy and can continue to enjoy for the rest of your life. I like tacos. A lot. So instead of giving them up, because they're not so great for you, I made them healthier.

I make my own taco seasoning to reduce the amount of salt. Chili powder, garlic powder, paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper. Instead of water, like the packets tell you, I threw in some home made chicken stock to add flavor and some leftover tomatoes from a can I used earlier today on my eggs. Sometimes I use salsa.

Instead of refried beans, I took some pinto beans, added some salt, onion, and a little olive oil, then tossed it in a pan and mashed the beans up. They would have been better with more oil, a little more salt, and served warm, but they were fine as a replacement. I used some guacamole, lettuce, and some white cheddar cheese. I took it all and threw it on an 8 inch flour tortilla. 400 calories per LOADED taco. I couldn't close the things. I prefer soft shells to hard, but I know the hard ones are less calories, so I may do that at some point... but I'm pretty sure we just got over two pounds of soft shells today at the store.

After dinner we did all of the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Now we're going to enjoy some TV together before bed.

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