Saturday, November 5, 2011

Resurrection Part 2

As part of my new routine, I’m going to utilize p90x. I’ve been doing some reading about people who are successful using this program. Those who make the most drastic changes to their bodies don’t simply do the p90x workouts (been there, done that), but they do additional cardio and follow a pretty strict diet.

Running the half marathon made me realize that I don’t have limitations. It may take some time for me to get there, but I can do anything that I set my mind to. No more setting comfortable goals. In addition to p90x, I decided to add a running regiment. I want to be able to make my “natural distance” a 4 miler instead of a 3 miler.

One of the hardest parts about losing weight for me is my diet. The biggest issue I come to with the diet is my philosophy on weight loss. I don’t believe in fad diets. Are there merits to them? Sometimes. Lets look at the South Beach diet. I tried it for a month or so as part of an experiment that my wife was doing in college. I hated it. I was constantly drained of energy and incredibly irritable. Did I lose weight? Sure! But I didn’t keep it off. Besides, that diet works because it makes you conscious of what you’re shoving into your face. It’s not so much the lack of carbohydrates as it is the stuff you eat instead. Protein, fruits, and veggies. I can eat those things without completely restricting my carbohydrate intake. Atkins on the other hand is an absolute joke. There’s no way I should be able to eat 8 pounds of bacon and not be able to eat an apple.

What it all comes down to, really, is simple math. Consume fewer calories than you burn in a day and you will lose weight. I want to eat normal foods. What I need to focus on is increasing my fruit and veggie intake and reducing portion sizes. My biggest problem with calorie intake has continued to be alcohol. I just drink too much of it. I need to restrict that. When it comes right down to it, I know that my body performs better when I haven’t had alcohol the day before. That will be my motivation. I think that the last time I made an alcohol goal, I gave myself too many allotted drinks. There’s no reason to drink 4 days a week and have 10 drinks in that same time.

I’m advocating for a lifestyle change here. I need to prove to myself that I can do it. I don’t have excuses anymore. I’m not working in the traditional sense. I can set my own schedule. Nobody is holding me accountable to get paperwork done on time or fill a certain number of hours per week. If I make weight loss, health, and fitness my life, there is absolutely no reason I shouldn’t be able to accomplish everything that I want to accomplish.

Stay tuned. Tomorrow is Goal Announcement Day.

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