Monday, May 9, 2011

End of Day 1

So it's almost the end of day 1. Here's how I did on my goals:

I drank two liters of water by around 3:00 this afternoon. I didn't keep track of how much more I had, but I've been pissing like a horse all day. I went to play tennis with my wife but it was short lived, so when we got home, I went for a run. My knee clicked for almost the whole run and I got a stomach cramp right after my first turn. Ran about 2.5-3 miles. Because of the length of both activities, I'm only marking 1 workout session for today. I haven't had any alcohol today and I've eaten really well. Both help with weight loss.

Here's my food for today...
Breakfast: 3 eggs with a slice of American cheese and a yogurt.
Snack: Baby carrots and guacamole
Lunch: Leftover "jambalaya" (red beans and rice with kielbasa in a tomato sauce) YUM.
Snack: popcorn and an apple
Dinner: Salmon with rice and squash.

Total Calories: just over 2000.

Anyway, overall, a pretty decent day. Tomorrow, I'm planning on lifting in the morning and then working most of the day. If I can get a partner for tennis tomorrow night, I'll try to do that too.


  1. wooo hoo! you rock! way to start strong!

  2. i had wendy's for lunch. thanks for making me feel bad.

  3. I got paid to drink and play golf today...booya
