Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 16

Another boring day. I spent most of the day working and am taking the day off from a workout because my legs need a rest. I'm not overly sore, but my right calf has been tight since Sunday afternoon and so I'll take the break. Here's the kicker, though. I don't want one. All I was thinking about on my drive home this evening was, "I want to go for a run." Normally, I'd take the opportunity to run when I actually feel like it, but I'm enjoying it more and more so I think I'll take the break when my body tells me to.

I used to hate running. I hated it more than any other form of exercise. I'm not sure if it was the book I just finished reading, "Born to Run" (and no that's not a Bruce Springsteen book), or if it's just that I'm really into this whole transformation thing and have started to enjoy exercise. Period. But why analyze it if it's working for me, right?

If it is the book, here are some words of inspiration that I marked off while reading it...

"'The Tarahumara aren't great runners,' Eric messaged me as we began my second month of those workouts. 'They're great athletes, and those two things are very different.' Runners are assembly-line workers; they become good at one thing-moving straight ahead at a steady speed-and repeat that motion until overuse fritzes out the machinery. Athletes are Tarzans. Tarzan swims and wrestles and jumps and swings on vines. He's strong and explosive. You never know what Tarzan will do next, which is why he never gets hurt."

I'm no runner. I don't focus on it as much as I would need to in order to be one. I'd like to hope I'm a Tarzan. The Train is a Tarzan. I'm working towards that more and more every day.

"'So simple,' he said. 'Just move your legs. Because if you don't think you were born to run, you're not only denying history. You're denying who you are.'"

Well if I'm born to do it... :-)

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