Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 10: Namaste

Another work day, another challenge. I struggle with my water consumption more when I'm making a lot of face-time visits with clients because I don't feel comfortable drinking in front of them in their home. I also don't want to drink to the point where I have to pee every half hour since most of my appointments last a minimum of an hour, and typically two hours. I can't stand the thought of using a client's bathroom. So it took me until late to finish my water for the day.

As far as eating healthy, being out of the house is a double edged sword. I can pack a great lunch and eat healthy, but I start to get hungry and don't always have enough healthy snacks on hand. When that's the case, I either go hungry or resort to a pit stop at the Wawa. Wawa has healthy snacks, but it's difficult to choose the right stuff when there are bags of chips, cookies, candy, and whatever else floats your boat right there for your choosing. Today I got caramel apple slices and a string cheese. I was happy with that decision.

I got home later than I expected. A 30 minute appointment turned into almost two hours. When I finally left, I had to go to the grocery store to get some produce and cereal. I picked up a few items I shouldn't have, and put them back after making that realization. I should not be allowed to grocery shop. They always say to buy only from the outside. I picked up some apples, bananas, strawberries, hummus, and a box of Crispix. YUM. I love me some fruit and hummus... but not together.

When I got home, I had dinner, and then did my first Yoga lesson on Fit TV. I've done Yoga before when I tried P90X for a few weeks, but I haven't done it since. Yoga is HARD. Some of the positions weren't too bad. I enjoy the stretching more than the strengthening stuff, because my body weight makes it hard on the shoulders. But it was a good workout and I'm now sitting in a pool of sweat. It also helps to take the pain out of my legs from the run yesterday, so I hope tomorrow won't be too bad. The Yoga I did was Jillian Michael's lesson. She made a great point that goes for yoga, any other physical activity, and life in general...

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Namaste.

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