Short post today just to keep the blog updated, but it's late and I just got home.
I spent most of my day at work in the office. When I finished I ran to see a client for an hour and then left to go to an Ultimate Frisbee game. I was drinking water all morning and did very well on that goal. When I left my last client to go to Frisbee, I realized after I was most of the way to the field that I forgot to pack shorts.
So I turned around and went to Target and got a the cheapest pair of shorts I could find. I got to the field, changed, went and found my team, and then warmed up a little bit. I realized about 5 minutes before the game was supposed to start that I had to pee really bad. So I ran about a quarter mile over to the building that we're supposed to use for the bathroom. With the humidity today, I was dripping by the time I was half way there. Ugh. I made it back for the first pull. I spent a decent amount of time on the sideline because there are a lot of people on the team and pretty much everyone is faster than I am. I did make a few defensive stops and played fairly well. The most important thing was that I had fun playing a sport that I really love. We lost 11-15 or something like that. It was pretty close.
After the game my team went to a brew pub for drinks. I didn't have one. I wasn't ready to lose a day this early in the week, especially with Memorial Day weekend coming up. I'll tell you what, though, it wasn't as hard to not drink as I thought it would be. I can't remember the last time I was out to a bar and didn't have a drink. Maybe there is something to this 90 day habit forming period. I certainly don't mind drinking water anymore and I can control my drinking pretty well at this point. I'm pretty proud of myself today.
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