Sunday, August 7, 2011

End of (My First) 90 Days

90 days ago I set out to create new life habits to make myself a healthier person. When I reflect back on the goals that I set for myself along with all of the other things that occurred during the past 90 days, I can see a huge change in myself physically and mentally.

Since this blog was founded on the basis that you can create new habits in 90 days, I want to discuss the goals that I set and whether or not they've become habits at this point.

Water - I wrote about this a few weeks into the 90 days and said that this goal was pretty well accomplished. I tracked the goal regardless. I drank 2 liters of water every single day for all 90 days. If you're not much of a water drinker, I recommend you try this for two weeks. Replace the amount of juice, soda, or iced tea that you drink with water. You will feel much better and it may help you lose weight.

Alcohol - Although I accomplished my goal, I did not surpass it. I believe that I have made great strides with reducing the amount of alcohol that I drink. There are numerous days a week where I have no alcohol, but I'm not sure if that's because of the goal or because I've really changed something. I'm still concerned that I will drink more than I should, so I'm going to monitor this for the the next week and see what happens. If I feel like it's become a habit, I wont redo the goal. If it's not, I will continue my alcohol goal for as long as I need to.

Exercise - I think I've accomplished this goal pretty well. I exceeded the goal by two weeks, in fact. I love to do all of the sports and cardio things that I've been doing lately. I also have found that I really don't hate to run as much as I used to think I did. Not that I'm good at it or anything, but I feel more comfortable doing it. My wife and I are even thinking about going to a running store to buy some new shoes and have someone check out our gait to see which shoes will be best for us. My current cross trainers are completely worn out.

Weight - I woke up at 254lbs again. That's a 19lb weight loss. 7lbs less than my goal. I'm disappointed that I didn't reach my goal, but I know that my body has changed pretty drastically since I started. Instead of giving excuses about why I didn't reach my goal, I'm going to concentrate on the positives. Here are some side by sides to show the positives.

I'll address some of the changes on the front of my body first.  As you can see, my spare tire has gotten a lot smaller. There's more space between my "chest fat" and the top of my belly fat. My belly has also come up a little bit. More importantly, my clothes fit better. I'm wearing polo shirts that didn't fit me 90 days ago and I'm more comfortable in my pants.

Side view is really the most drastic, I think. My posture has improved a little bit, I think. You can also see a reduction in the fat on my lower back along with a pretty serious reduction in my belly fat. My upper arms seem to have thinned out slightly and the roll off fat on my back where my elbow is is gone. There's still a little bit of a crease, but I expect that to go away pretty soon.

I've had some aspirations arise since I started this 90 days as well. I'd already planned on a two day 175 mile bike ride (100 miles on day 1 and 75 on day 2), but I'm thinking that after that, I might want to try a half marathon. If I had the time to train for a full, I would consider that, but it's gonna get too cold outside to be able to train for that, I think. I have talked about doing plyometrics to try to become more explosive, get faster, and jump higher. My wife pointed out that if I want to be able to sustain endurance, that plymo's may not be the best idea right now. Plus, Ultimate Frisbee season is over so I probably don't need those skills just yet. I can concentrate on losing weight right now and then focus on plyo's another time.

Overall I've seen a lot of positive change. I will continue to lose weight with the goals I will be setting for the next 90 day cycle. I've got some thoughts in my head, but haven't decided on anything for sure yet, so I'm not going to put it out there. Look for a new post by the end of next week with the updates.

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