Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 3

My wife and I woke up early this morning again for a run. I'm trying to get these runs in early in the day so I can get my work done on a normal schedule. Getting up at 6:30am, however, isn't easy when I'm not getting to sleep until 11pm or later. I need to get more sleep.

Today, we had another 3 mile run scheduled. We set out on the same route as yesterday. This time, however, we decided to push hard and end at mile 3 instead of 3.3.

The beginning of this route is a little bit down hill. We started fast on accident. When we made it to mile 0.5, I was starting to feel the speed a little bit and had to gear down somewhat. At mile 1, the route has a slight incline. It hurts me every time. My wife hates it too. I'm always really tired at the end of it, but luckily there's a small down hill to recover.

At this point, I could tell we were at a much faster pace than yesterday. There's about a third of the run that goes down a gravel path. This is that third. That third isn't so bad, but I feel like we slow down here a little bit.

As we got off the path, turning back onto the street, my wife picked up the pace. I had to continually use my inspiration from yesterday. When I felt like I couldn't go any further, I'd tell myself it was just bullshit. I'd tell myself that I was feeling fine and I was enjoying myself. After a while, I was feeling better and pushing harder than I had been. We finished a lot faster than we had yesterday.

Our route was exactly 3 miles. We finished in 27:54 with an average pace of 9:16 per mile. Not too bad.

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