Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 16

I woke up this morning with a lot of pain in my hip. I know it was something I did during our run yesterday since it hurt when I went to bed. When I stood up out of my bed, I felt like my leg was gonna shoot straight up through my hip and into my rib cage. It hurt real bad.

I popped a few advil and iced it at the recommendation of my wife. That made it feel a little better.

Throughout the day, I was wondering if I would be able to do our bike ride tonight. It was supposed to be 20 miles, but I wasn't even sure I could do 2. As the day went on, my hip started feeling better. By the time my wife got home from work around 4:30, I had decided that I was gonna give it a try.

Boy did I. And when I say I, I mean we.

We did the same route we did last Monday. Except this time, we cut 5 minutes off of our time and averaged a full mph faster. 16.4 to be exact. There were a few times that I felt like an engine. My legs were like pistons firing away. I think I had a cadence somewhere between 90 and 100 while on slight inclines that made me feel like I was going down hill. It was wonderful.

Lesson for me today? Don't make decisions too soon. Wait it out and see what happens. You may be surprised at what you can accomplish if you just give things time to develop.

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