Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 10

My wife and I had a run planned for today. 4 miles. It felt great.

We ran our normal 3 mile route with a few extra blocks here and there. On our way back, I was really feeling great. I got to wear a new pair of socks and a new pair of compression shorts. I'm not sure if that was the real factor, but it sure didn't hurt. I could have gone farther. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's 3 miles.

I want to discuss an element of wellness that I was thinking about today as well. I was at a Wawa, probably somewhere I shouldn't have been, but I was getting something for my wife... and ended up getting myself something as well. But that's not the point of the story. I was in line behind a woman who was walking up to the check-out with a 1/2 gallon of milk. When she got up to the counter, she asked the guy for a case of cigarettes. I forget what brand but that's not important. I happened to eaves drop on the price. 60 bucks. 60 BUCKS for a 1/2 gallon of milk and a case of cigarettes. I can't imagine the milk was more than 3 bucks.

Holy hell.

First of all, my personal experience with smoking has been a burning piece of bamboo when I was about 10. I felt nauseous for days. I obviously have no desire to ruin my health with cigarettes. Even if I did, I'm relatively certain that I would never be able to afford the cost of those things!

My birthday is this weekend, and I have been asked numerous times what I want for my birthday. I don't usually have a good answer for this question. Most of the stuff that I want costs much more than I think a birthday present should cost. But I know I can tell you quite a few things that I would want with 120 bucks, what I imagine that woman spends on cigarettes every month. A new pair of bib shorts for cycling. Running shoes. Gels (for energy). Books. Compression shirts. Shorts. Sunglasses.

I'm sure if I spent more time on it, I'd be able to come up with a bunch of other things.

Why would people spend so much money on something that causes cancer and ruins their health when they can buy so many things with that money that would enable them to be more healthy and enjoy life!? It just doesn't make any sense to me!

This does make me reevaluate my choices, sometimes. What am I spending money on that isn't necessary? What can I get with that money I saved that will make me more healthy and support my new lifestyle?

1 comment:

  1. Fun fact, my grandma (this is Jill) used to smoke a pack of cigs almost everyday. I don't know why she decided to stop, but she completely stopped cold turkey. Everytime she would have purchased a pack of cigs, she put that money away for something she really wanted (a washing machine). In no time she was able to achieve her goal and purchase that washer.
    The stubborn-ness she demonstrated when quitting is part of the reason she is still very much kicking at a couple years shy of 90.
    Stubborn-ness can be an amazing trait, especially when it comes to becoming and then staying healthy.
    Glad you decided to continue your journey with another 90 day plan.
