Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 69: Try Something New

Yesterday, I tried something new. Throughout my life, I've used many forms of transportation to get places. I've walked to the convenience store or ice cream store, I've ridden my bike to pick up some candy as a kid, or as an adult get into town at the beach, and God knows I drive my car all the time for work or to get pretty much anywhere. Never before have I ran to my destination and then ran home.

That's what we did yesterday. We laced up our sneakers, packed a book bag with our tennis gear, water, and sunglasses, and then ran out the door to the tennis courts about 1.25 miles away. We didn't run hard, but we ran. We ran there with no problems, played tennis for an hour or so, and then ran home.

I can't say I loved it because the bag wasn't the most comfortable thing to run with, but I can't say I hated the experience either. Something I struggle with in my life currently is my lack of time with my wife. Any time we have together is important because she has been working 7 days a week, minimum of 8 hours a day, for the last 6 weeks. She's got 4 left, then she'll be off during the week again... the days that I work. Having the opportunity to run along with her, talk, and play a game together was amazing.

I love living an active lifestyle. It makes for fun stories and the experiences are usually worthwhile.

On our way back from tennis, we ran through Narnia, across the wall, and then ran into a group of about 7 teenage boys smoking what I will call cigarettes, although I'm not sure it was tobacco. I figured we'd encounter some kids in the woods doing something they weren't supposed to be doing at some point, but I was hoping my wife wouldn't be there for it. As we approached from the top of the wall, the boys were at the end that we "dismount" if you will. We slowed down to a walk as we got closer. The boys just stared at us and stopped talking with each other. Nobody got up to let us off the wall, also, nobody removed the bike that was sitting on the wall either. My wife said she was going to say something to them, but by the time she got the gall, I had jumped about 3-4 feet off the wall and helper her down. We picked up the run again and then laughed... "Oh teenagers..." like we've been grown ups forever.

Getting home we made some dinner quick and spent the night watching TV. It felt great to spend time with my wife, but even more, it felt great to spend time with her trying something new. I love knowing that I've got a partner in life who will live an active life along side me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It's not that I was building up gall its that you jumped too fast before I could open my mouth!
