Monday, May 14, 2012

Start of Week 3

No alcohol is not nearly as hard as I thought it would be, but these next two weeks are going to be the real trial. I've been able to have some drinks the last two weekends because of Cinco de Mayo and our bike ride over this past weekend. Both days I probably had too much. I guess I rationalized and said I could drink what I wanted because I wasn't going to be drinking for the next two weeks or so.

This weekend was the Quad County Metric Century. We chose the 45 mile route because none of us had been doing much training. Fortunately, it wasn't that big of a deal. The 45 mile route was just about right. We had two tough climbs and lots of smaller ones.

On the second of the two big climbs, I was chugging along, going slow, and then all of a sudden I see someone coming up on my left. I look over and it's my wife! She never claims to be a strong climber. She has problems with her asthma when she climbs big hills. But damn if she didn't pass me. I told her I was impressed as she rode by, but she yelled at me and said she had to focus. I heard her say something to the effect of "I need to stop. No. No I don't. I'm fine. I can do this. I'm gonna do this." And then, of course, she did. I love her.

Later on the ride we were all working our way up a small incline and something caught our eye. We look over to the left at a horse farm and two horses are running back and forth in their fenced in area. They were going so fast that it looked like they might try to jump the fence. On one of the runs, they hit the gate and knocked it down! One horse got out, the other got spooked and ran back to the other side of the fence. As we rode on, we saw the owners run out and go chasing the horse that got out. We didn't stick around to watch it play out.

I was disappointed that there was only one rest stop during the ride. I was about out of liquids by the time we got to the finish. Other than that, the ride was great. Also, the one rest stop we did have was very well stocked. I found my new favorite guilty pleasure... brownies with chocolate chip cookies baked into the top. I don't know how I'd never had this before Saturday, but I hadn't. Fortunately, if I bake something like this, I'm stuck eating the whole thing by myself because my wife is gluten free. Motivation to leave the brownie and cookie mix at the store!

Ride stats:
46.19 miles ridden.
3:05:26 finish
14.9mph avg
38.9mph max speed

Anyway, this morning I woke up at 229.5. So despite my antics over the weekend, I'm in the 220's. I'm happy with that. I'm going to hope that a full alcohol free week will give me a better number by the end of next weekend.

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