Monday, January 2, 2012

Start of Week 9 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Happy New Year!

There's a lot going on for me this New Year. I will be launching my new business (hopefully in the next few weeks!). I'll be reaching my goal weight. I'll be celebrating my second year of marriage to my wife. I'll be moving... again... and maybe another time...? And I'll be accomplishing a new fitness goal of some sort... either a 125 mile bike ride (maybe farther?) or a Marathon. Maybe both.

With all of that said, I'm embarrassed. I gained weight this week. Just a pound, but it's still in the wrong direction. I'm not confused about why it happened. It would be pretty obvious to anyone who spent the weekend with me. I ate like doo doo and drank entirely too much.

I have wonderful friends. Over the weekend, we had a ton of people over to stay with us for a New Years party. People brought all kinds of food and beverages, that majority of which were not the foods that I would typically eat. All of it was delicious, though. We had cookies, brownies, balaclava, cheese balls, chips, london broil, scallops wrapped in bacon, pizza bites, crab dip, rum ham, amongst other things.

Oh yes. I said rum ham. Our friend took a ham and drowned it in rum. Something he saw on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It was... interesting. It tastes like ham... with rum all over it. He was nice enough to leave it in our refrigerator. Other friends left food too. The cheese balls, crab dip, cookies, and chips are still here. We also inherited some beer, a few bottles of liquor, and mixers.

I had trouble resisting temptations yesterday. There was still food everywhere. One of my weaknesses is fly-by eating. If there is food laying out, and I can see it, I mindlessly pick it up and pop it in my mouth. This is why living in our old apartment was so hard. I walked past the open pantry every time I went into the kitchen. I could see all the food we owned, and would just pick up a piece of candy, or a handful of chips, and eat it. Do that 10 times a day and how many calories do you think you've consumed without realizing it?

With our current situation, with all the extra food, I froze what I could, and tucked stuff deep into the pantry so when I reach in for a healthy option, I'm not distracted by the unhealthy ones. I need to get back on track this week, because I have some weight gain to make up for. I want to get back down into the 230's and breeze right through them. I have 5 weeks left, so there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to lose 10 pounds if not more. I want to be in the mid 220's by the time this 90 days is over.

Rather than prolong this post too long, I'll leave you with this: It's a new year, and there is no reason you cannot change and make yourself better. Resolutions are not usually stuck to because people don't prepare themselves for them. Think through your resolutions, set goals for them, and accomplish them this year.

My weight this morning was 240.

Here's to a great New Year!

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